Simplifying single cell analysis with feature-rich image processing
microMS is a GUI for performing automatic cell finding and point based registration from whole-slide images. The compiled executable will run directly on Windows operating systems. Python source code requires installation of dependent packages described below.
If you use microMS in a scientific publication, you are welcome to link to this site, but please include the following citation in your article:
Comi TJ; Neumann EK; Do TD; Sweedler JV. microMS: A Python Platform for Image-guided Mass Spectrometry Profiling, J. Amer. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 2017. DOI: 10.1007/s13361-017-1704-1
For complete details see the microMS User Guide.
Compiled Executable
A compiled Windows executable is provided that includes a Python interpreter and all dependencies. Extracted size is ~560 MB.
Download microMS.exe (ZIP folder).
To run, extract the zip folder and double click the contained "microMS.exe".
Python Source Code
microMS is a Python script written for Python 3 >= 3.5. After downloading all packages, no installation is required.
Download microMS (ZIP folder).
In addition to base components the following packages are required: